Constant Change

“Change is the only constant in life.” Heraclitus

“I just wish we would hear something, “ my husband muttered as he peered over my shoulder at my computer. Checking my email for the last time that day, we hoped to learn the status of my job.

A few months ago, I received “the letter”. A change in the state government threatened the funding for my current position as Instructional Coach.

With the proper funding, my job could stay exactly the same. With reduced funding, my job could be split between two or more elementary schools. Or with no funding, I could return to my roots as a classroom teacher.

While I remain grateful knowing I have a position for the next school year, I long to know the details. I confess. I have never been good at waiting. There have been times like these where I have prayed to God to reveal His will so “I could get behind it.” It never occurred to me His will just might be for me to wait and trust. By God’s grace, I have grown in this area of waiting. Still, my spirit echoed the words of my husband. I just want to know. I want to prepare for the changes coming my way.

During this time of uncertainty, the words of the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, came to mind. To a certain extent, I agree with him. Change is inevitable.

Change can also be unsettling. Changes can be small and insignificant. They can also have the power to shake us to our core. Some changes evolve from our own longings, plans and prayers. Others catch us off guard and unprepared. Sometimes we welcome change. Other times we wish to avoid it.

Regardless of how we feel about change, it remains a reality with which we must grapple. To understand how to do this effectively, we need to realize where the words of Heraclitus fall short. Change is not the only constant in life. We do have another:

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8 ESV)

When we place our security in Jesus, He becomes our anchor. No matter what changes come our way, He will never change. His love for us will never waver. His grace for us will never be depleted.

As Jesus bids His disciples farewell, He makes them a promise that holds true for us as well:

And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20 ESV)

Not only is Jesus a constant, He is constantly with us.

As I continue down my path with all its uncertainty, I pray to remember my anchor is in Jesus. Wherever you are in your journey, I pray you too will find security in knowing the One who is, and will forever be, constant.

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