Focusing on our past mistakes and regrets keeps us stuck. To move forward, we need to renounce them so we can focus on following Jesus.

How To Move Forward From Our Past Mistakes And Regrets

“No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” — Luke 9:62 (NIV) Sighing, I looked at my phone. Three am. Once again my thoughts began replaying the painful memories of my past mistakes and regrets. I know I’ve said and done helpful…

When God Calls Us To Pivot From Our Plans To Pursue Something Better

When God Calls Us To Pivot From Our Plans To Pursue Something Better

When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” — Luke 13:12 (NIV) Recently I participated in some online planning workshops to help me set goals for 2024. In our discussions, this question kept popping up: “Are you a planner, or a pantser?” If…

Jesus Is The Way, The Truth, And The Life — Why This Is Important

Jesus Is The Way, The Truth, And The Life — Why This Is Important

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” — John 14:6 (NIV) As a young mother, I found it very challenging to leave my children in the care of others. I always created detailed instructions in the hopes that all would go…

We May Feel Out Of Step With Life, But We Can Always Be In Step With God

We May Feel Out Of Step With Life, But We Can Always Be In Step With God

I will hasten and not delay      to obey your commands. — Psalm 119:60 (NIV) You are not behind. You are right on time. My mentor’s words took me by surprise. How can she be so sure?  I feel like a late bloomer in my Christian walk. I didn’t grow up in the church,…

Are You Willing To Follow The Path Jesus Has Chosen For You?

Are You Willing To Follow The Path Jesus Has Chosen For You?

When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?” Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” — John 21:21-22 (NIV) As I listened to the sharing from the other members of our group, I got an all-too-familiar sinking sensation in my…

The Importance of Choosing To Believe God’s Truths Rather Than The Enemy’s Lies

The Importance of Choosing To Believe God’s Truths Rather Than The Enemy’s Lies

Blindsided, her accusation rendered me speechless. As she gave voice to her feelings, I struggled to understand how she could have misunderstood my heart. In vain I offered her the truth ~ I never thought nor felt the things she perceived in me.   As we parted ways, I thought of the old saying: You can…

How We Can See God Use The Ordinary for His Extraordinary Purposes

How We Can See God Use The Ordinary for His Extraordinary Purposes

Technology had not been my friend that day. I failed to produce a usable graphic for a writing project. The gas pump refused to read my credit card. And my depleted cell-phone battery reminded me I needed to replace my phone months ago. Needing to accomplish at least one thing that day, I set out…