Keeping On The Side Of Truth

Keeping On The Side Of Truth

I still remember laughing with my young students as we read The Emperor’s New Clothes. Entertaining and engaging, this classic fairy tale from Hans Christian Anderson always pleased my young crowd. (If you are unfamiliar with the tale, you can read it here.) We couldn’t help but chuckle as the vain emperor fell for the…

When I Trust Too-Good-To Be-True Promises

When I Trust Too-Good-To Be-True Promises

After spending a week cleaning and sprucing our house in preparation of its sale, we put it on the market. Within three days we had three strong offers. One potential buyer offered to pay an amount well above our asking price ~ in cash. An offer too good to refuse. But even as we signed…

Seeing Difficulties As Part Of The Plan

Seeing Difficulties As Part Of The Plan

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV) From the first time I read this verse on a wedding invitation, I loved it. Its words eloquently express God’s heart toward us….

When Promises Seem Too Good To Be True

When Promises Seem Too Good To Be True

Some promises seem too good to be true. Consider the following example: Take delight in the Lord,      and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4 NIV) During the years of waiting for a husband (you can read about this here), people often quoted this Scripture to encourage me. The underlying logic…

When Disappointment Derails Our Hopes

When Disappointment Derails Our Hopes

God has a funny way of reminding us of the truths we teach. Immediately after I published my last blog post on anchored hopes, something I hoped for did not materialize. God knew I needed that lesson to process the coming disappointment.  Not every specific hope we have ties directly to a promise from God….

When His Blessings Don’t Meet My Expectations

When His Blessings Don’t Meet My Expectations

Not every act of obedience brings the expected reward. Although true, this statement creates some dissonance with my soul. I always believed if I did A, B and C, then D, E, and F would logically follow. I know better. I can point to times I did everything right, but… the relationship failed. the job…

Planning in a Season of Uncertainty

Planning in a Season of Uncertainty

The longing for certainty … is in every human mind. But certainty is generally illusion.– Oliver Wendell Holmes Lord, please just show me the plan, so I can get behind it. I can’t tell you how many times I have prayed these words. I truly believe I can deal with anything, except the unknown. And…