Finding Peace in the Midst of Evil

Finding Peace in the Midst of Evil

Only when we stand in awe of God will we find it unnecessary to be in awe of Satan.- Erwin W. Lutzer As I write this blog post, the world battles against what many call “the invisible enemy”. Although unseeable by the human eye, no one questions the reality of its existence. Across the globe,…



I’m a big personality. I walk into a room, big and tall and loud. – Adele Sometimes I long for a different personality. People like Adele intrigue me. Larger than life, we all notice them. Their bold and outspoken natures instinctively equip them for leadership.  Naturally quiet and reflective, my personality paints a completely different…

Ordinary People

Ordinary People

God uses ordinary people like you and me to star in extraordinary “God stories”-real-life narratives of purpose and influence.- Pam Tebow Vividly I remember the day she walked into our office. Clear blue eyes and auburn hair created a beautiful backdrop for her dazzling smile. Everything about her exuded warmth and friendliness. I felt sure…