Jesus Is The Truth We Need To Free Ourselves

But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life.—1 Timothy 1:16 (NIV)

Are you acquainted with mountain top experiences? The term comes from times when God interacted with people from the top of a mountain. Now we use it to describe moments when we receive deep revelation, or feel especially close to God. 

Attending a Christian conference gave me that type of experience. We had insightful lessons, inspiring fellowship, and incredible times of worship. But amazing events take their toll on us. I fell into a bit of a funk as I resumed my normal routines in the valley.

Physically I felt drained, a bit under the weather, and even nauseous. Spiritually I also felt wiped out, and didn’t have the energy or the discipline to fight off some lies from Satan. I started comparing myself to others and felt inferior or “less than”. Other people received the blessings I’d prayed for and I felt God had overlooked or forgotten me. I began to question the wisdom of a project I’m working on —even though it was the answer to some prayers. And I began to believe this lie, “Shirley, you never change. You’re still the same insecure, entitled, and selfish person you’ve always been.” 

Whenever I find myself spiraling into lies, I know the answer is Jesus. In John 14:6 He assures us He is The truth. Not a truth, not my truth, but the absolute truth. With this claim He sets Himself as the complete opposite of Satan whom He describes in John 8:44 as the “father of lies”. 

It’s easy for me to believe Satan’s lies, because he mixes them with a little truth. But he always withholds an essential part of the whole truth.

In 1 Timothy 1:15-16, Paul wrote:

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. 

The apostle Paul understood that he was a sinner. He once persecuted Christians. The irony is that Paul always loved God. But when he persecuted Christians he was operating under a lie. Jesus warned the disciples in John 16:2 that a time was coming when people would kill Christians and think they are offering a service to God. Paul was one of those people. 

You may be familiar with Paul’s conversion story in Acts 9. On his way to persecute Christians in Damascus, Paul didn’t just learn the truth—he met The Truth, Jesus. After his conversion, he immediately began preaching that Jesus is the Messiah—and he never stopped. I love how he pursued the truth with the same zeal as he once did the lie.

During my struggle, I asked myself, Am I pursuing the truth with the same zeal as Paul did?” 

The truth is: I am a sinner. Paul has already claimed the title of the “worst sinner”. So maybe I’m the second worst. But it doesn’t matter if we are the worst, second-worst, or least-worst sinner. The answer is always the same: We are sinners and Jesus came to save us. He shows us mercy and immense patience. And He promises us eternal life. 

Mountain top experiences are wonderful. But when we return to the valley, these essential truths will protect us from Satan’s lies. And Jesus, who is The Truth, will alway set us free (John 8:31-32). 

Thank you Lord Jesus for being the absolute Truth. Help us hold onto your teachings when we are tempted to believe Satan’s lies. Most of all, help us hold onto the truth of Your grace. Because of Your sacrifice we can be set free from the lies and snares of sin. We pray in Your name, Amen.

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  1. Shirley
    Thanks, I needed this blog. I have been thinking that same thing this past month, I am not worthy, or I have done something to offend another person. I let Satan and his lies try to convince me I’m not good enough and I don’t belong, but God has been showing me through sermons at church, bible study times and now your blog that I am a sinner saved by grace and I am worthy.

    1. Thank you, Teresa! I’m glad you found the post helpful. I always love hearing from you. God bless!

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