Celebrating Easter in the Midst of the Coronavirus

Celebrating Easter in the Midst of the Coronavirus

As I write these words, my country prepares to face the peak of the Coronavirus Crisis, even as we make plans to celebrate Easter. I can’t help but marvel at the paradox. One event stirs fear in our hearts as we watch the number of deaths grow. The other, because it holds the only solution…

Finding Peace in the Midst of Evil

Finding Peace in the Midst of Evil

Only when we stand in awe of God will we find it unnecessary to be in awe of Satan.- Erwin W. Lutzer As I write this blog post, the world battles against what many call “the invisible enemy”. Although unseeable by the human eye, no one questions the reality of its existence. Across the globe,…

What Can Dolphins Teach Us About Jesus?

What Can Dolphins Teach Us About Jesus?

Among the sea-fishes many stories are told about the dolphin, indicative of his gentle and kindly nature…. It appears to be the fleetest of all animals, marine and terrestrial, and it can leap over the masts of large vessels. –Aristotle If you have read my “About Me” page, you know I love dolphins. My fascination…