Three Ways Dolphins Reflect The Character of Jesus

Three Ways Dolphins Reflect The Character of Jesus

Among the sea-fishes many stories are told about the dolphin, indicative of his gentle and kindly nature…. It appears to be the fleetest of all animals, marine and terrestrial, and it can leap over the masts of large vessels. –Aristotle If you have read my “About Me” page, you know I love dolphins. My fascination…

When Is It A Good Time For A Christian To Be Pushy?

When Is It A Good Time For A Christian To Be Pushy?

Sighing with frustration, I continued to press the very courteous, yet unyielding, customer service representative. Even though I understood he could only uphold his company’s policies, I hoped for an exception. I had missed canceling my subscription by one day. According to company policy, automatic subscription renewals did not qualify for a refund. I now…

Prayer Is Powerful ~ So Why Do We Hesitate to Pray?

Prayer Is Powerful ~ So Why Do We Hesitate to Pray?

Pulling out my favorite necklace, I noticed the knot in the chain. Sigh. Why does this always happen when I’m in a hurry? It had already been one of those days ~ and it was only 9:00 AM! Just after waking, my phone alerted me to some disappointing news. As I continued to process the…

How To Focus Our Thoughts On What Is Still Beautiful In Our World

How To Focus Our Thoughts On What Is Still Beautiful In Our World

I splurged last Christmas and bought a beautiful wall clock. Every hour, on the hour, the clock face moves to a few bars of music. During the holidays, I set the clock to play Christmas carols and loved how it made our home feel even more festive.  When I took down the Christmas decorations, I…

How Can We Be Sure We Are Serving The Lord From Pure Motives?

How Can We Be Sure We Are Serving The Lord From Pure Motives?

Recently a friend shared some exciting news ~she received an invitation to join a well-respected teaching ministry. But although she loved the idea of stepping out of her comfort zone and serving the Lord in a new way, she hesitated to accept the offer. “I know how prideful I can be,” she confided. “I’m afraid…

What The World Needs Now Is The Sweet Love Jesus Brings

What The World Needs Now Is The Sweet Love Jesus Brings

What the world needs now, is love, sweet love. It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of. What the world needs now, is love, sweet love. No, not just for some but for everyone. These words form the chorus of a song written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David and released in the…

How To Find Joy At Christmas ~ No Matter Our Circumstances

How To Find Joy At Christmas ~ No Matter Our Circumstances

Years ago a close friend gave me a plaque with this inscription: The joy of the Lord shall be your strength. The words come from a passage found in the Old Testament. About 100 years after their lengthy exile in Babylonia, the Israelites returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt their temple. Under the guidance of Nehemiah,…

In This Troubled World, Where Do We Find The Peace Jesus Promised?

In This Troubled World, Where Do We Find The Peace Jesus Promised?

After hearing the loud pop, I glanced up at the windshield. To my dismay, I saw two less-than-dime-size holes. Immediately my heart dropped. Why did this have to happen? Some generous and longtime friends had lent me their car during my short stay in Colorado. And on this, my last day, traffic caused gravel to…

How To Keep Your Thanksgiving Holiday From Being Absorbed By Christmas

How To Keep Your Thanksgiving Holiday From Being Absorbed By Christmas

As I walked through the department store it occurred to me: I am no longer shocked at how quickly Christmas displays pop up. This year, they even began to appear before Halloween. The same is true with the Christmas movies ~ which began as early as October 21st. And as always, I ask: What happened…