Opening the Gift of Jesus the Cornerstone

Opening the Gift of Jesus the Cornerstone

Friends, today I invited my friend and fellow writer, Jennifer Elwood, to share some thoughts with us from her newly published Bible Study, Counting Up To Christmas: 24 Gifts from the Gospel of Luke. Jennifer and I became friends through COMPEL Training. Over the past year we polished each other’s writing through critiques and encouragement….

What’s A $1.50 Worth?

What’s A $1.50 Worth?

Stunned, I reread the email. Nothing bad… just not expected.  I had struggled before I made the initial purchase. Something at half the price would have sufficed. But, I liked the company and the product, so I splurged. Immediately the company thanked me with a coupon for 10% off my next purchase. Feeling validated, I browsed…

Why We Can Trust This Lifetime Guarantee

Why We Can Trust This Lifetime Guarantee

This week someone blindsided me by breaking a promise. Immediately a swarm of emotions began to swirl in my heart: betrayal, frustration, disappointment, and an unwillingness to trust. Broken promises do that. Sometimes this unwillingness to trust extends beyond the person whose promises failed. Because of this, especially in business, we insist on guarantees.  For…

When The Darkness Of The World Feels Overwhelming

When The Darkness Of The World Feels Overwhelming

His light defeats the world’s darkness. My favorite way to decorate my home revolves around lights. Twinkle lights smile at me from above my kitchen cabinets, Scentsy warmers adorn various corners, and a bouquet of lights takes center stage in my dining room. For me these lights create a cozy and comforting ambiance. A four-part…

Taking Time to Consider His Creation

Taking Time to Consider His Creation

Greetings from Virginia! After 2,200 miles (approximately 44 hours of driving), we arrived in Virginia. My husband did all the driving while I helped navigate. But most of the time, I snuggled with NoĂ«lle and enjoyed the changing scenery. The farther we traveled east, the more green the landscape became. These green rolling hills sharply…

When We Face Ourselves

When We Face Ourselves

Real transformation requires real honesty. If you want to move forward — get real with yourself.– Bryant McGill A recurring dream haunts me. A nightmare, really. The setting of the dream varies, but the theme remains the same. Sometimes in these dreams I see myself as a confident college student. Suddenly, another student reminds me…

When Your Attitude Stinks

When Your Attitude Stinks

Your attitude is like the aroma of your heart. If your attitude stinks, it means your heart’s not right. – Alex Kendrick Recently, I found myself struggling against a bad attitude. After months of praying over a certain situation, I still had no clear answer from the Lord. Frustration seeped into my soul and a…