Sometimes the Christian walk feels like a heavy burden. We need to rely on the Holy Spirit to make Jesus' yoke easy and His burden light.

What Makes Jesus’ Yoke Easy And His Burden Light?

Right there, in the middle of the dining room of the fast food restaurant, tears began streaming down my face. I’d stopped in for a quick bite before heading to the evening service of my church. I’d only been a Christian for a few months, but already felt disillusioned. I thought following Jesus rather than the world would make my life simpler and more fulfilling. Instead I felt as if I were crumbling under the weight of trying to balance my new life with the demands of my university studies and other responsibilities. 

Hoping to find some comfort in God’s Word, I opened my Bible to the gospel of Matthew. But the passage I read that afternoon unleashed a stream of pent-up tears:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV)

“Jesus,” I sobbed. “I don’t know what is wrong. But Your yoke does not feel easy, and Your burden does not feel light.”

That was over forty years ago. I wish I could say that was the last time following Jesus felt like a burden. Many times I returned to this passage and asked for clarity ~ why can’t I get it together so my Christian walk feels easy and light? 

Jesus originally spoke these words to the Jews who felt the burden of trying to follow both the written law and the oral traditions created by the Pharisees. Jesus referred to these additional requirements as “heavy, cumbersome loads” (Matthew 23:4). 

Although we aren’t expected to follow the law or the traditions, we are called to imitate Jesus who lived a perfect life. For any of us this is a high calling. But it is even more stressful for self-driven people like me. Instinctively I knew my struggle came from relying on myself rather than on God. But I also didn’t know how to tap into the power of the Holy Spirit. So my life became a pattern of holding myself back from doing what’s wrong, and pushing myself forward to do what’s right. No wonder I felt burdened and weary!

I’ve been studying about the role of the Holy Spirit in our transformation into the image of Christ. My studies have led me to certain practices, such as keeping in God’s presence through continual prayer (you can read about that practice here). 

Two other practices I’ve adopted are solitude and silence. I take time in my day (about 10 minutes) to pull away from all distractions (solitude). Then I quiet all the voices around me ~ including my own (silence). I sit in the presence of God and ask the Holy Spirit to help me see, and then surrender, anything that hinders me from living like Jesus. As I seek God’s will to be done in my life, I remain in a listening posture throughout the day. 

I haven’t mastered the practice, but I already see a difference in how I approach the situations and people I face each day. The desire to do God’s will flows naturally from a surrendered heart. When I rely on the Holy Spirit, I carry Jesus with me throughout my day. And suddenly Jesus’ words begin to ring true. His yoke gets easier and His burden becomes lighter. 

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for coming to set us free from the burden of trying to be righteous on our own power. I pray we remember to ask for the Holy Spirit’s help as we seek to do Your will. May we feel that Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light. We pray this in Your name. Amen.

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