What’s A $1.50 Worth?

Stunned, I reread the email. Nothing bad… just not expected. 

I had struggled before I made the initial purchase. Something at half the price would have sufficed. But, I liked the company and the product, so I splurged. Immediately the company thanked me with a coupon for 10% off my next purchase.

Feeling validated, I browsed the website and found an item for $15.00. Nothing I needed, but, hey, I wanted to take advantage of that discount. Unfortunately, the coupon code was rejected. Confused, I began a live chat with the company.

According to the polite customer relations clerk, my coupon only applied to first orders. When I pointed out the coupon did not say “first”, but “next”, he had no answer. After a few back and forths, I concluded the $1.50 savings did not warrant any further action, especially since I didn’t need the item.

Still, it bugged me. I only asked the company to honor their coupon and extend the discount-a value of $1.50 retail (much less wholesale). Unable to accept the company’s position, I sent a courteous email, complete with copies of their offer and coupon. 

Their polite email response offered no apology, no offer to make things right. Only a thank you for “letting us know”.

Within seconds my mind crafted a curt, yet still civil email. I planned to express my disappointment at how little they cared about my business, and how I would “take my business elsewhere.” 

Fortunately, before I opened my computer, I stepped back and took time to reflect.

What is happening here? Why am I attaching so much energy and angst to such a small issue? After all, I am only out $1.50. This is a huge company-losing me as a customer won’t hurt them at all.

Suddenly, and with absolute clarity, the true issue hit me. The company’s refusal to honor my coupon showed my business was not worth $1.50. Yet somehow, I managed to twist that truth into: They don’t think I am worth $1.50.

On the heels of this realization came a whispered truth: But Jesus says you are worth far more than that:

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. (Matthew 10: 29-31 ESV)

In this passage, the Greek word translated as penny, assarion, referred to a copper coin valued at less than one hour’s pay. Since two sparrows could be purchased for one penny, they held little value in the marketplace. 

Yet the Father faithfully and intimately cared for them. In the same way, our Father knows everything about us, even how many hairs are on our heads. 

With these words, Jesus assures us of the value God places on us. A value He later demonstrated through His sacrifice on the cross:

For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. (1 Peter 1:18-19 NIV)

Jesus gave His very life in exchange for our redemption. What value can we place on that? While most agree life is priceless, current economists actually value it at 10 million. However we look at it, the truth remains:

Insignificant pennies in the world are worth millions of dollars to God.

Suddenly, I no longer wanted to shoot off an email. I didn’t need this company to validate my worth. And then, as so often happens, I received a God wink.

The next time I opened my mail, I found a new coupon from the company-worth 20% off my next purchase. And this one worked!

Wherever our journey takes us, and no matter what the world thinks, may we always remember the One who values us more than life itself~ a value certainly worth more than $1.50.

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  1. Great job Shirley this message hit home today making know how much I am loved even when I don’t feel I am worth it. That God loves me know matter my faults. Thanks

    1. Thank you Teresa. I appreciate your kind words. As this post shows, I always need reminders of my value to God. Thankfully He loves us, faults and all. 💕

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