Wiping My Seasoned Slate Clean

With aching muscles, I sat back to critically assess my work. 

I’d spent the better part of the day scrubbing out dirt which had caked into the crevices of the tile squares of my floor. Then I attacked the grout using special chemicals and a tiny brush. Finally, I rinsed the whole floor with clear water.

What a difference a few hours of elbow grease can make! I loved watching the dirt bubble up under the chemicals, only to be swept up in my cloth and finally washed down the drain of my sink. 

The floor looked new again. Almost. But I couldn’t help noticing the tiny scuffs sprinkled here and there. Scars so small they could hardly be seen, yet each one bearing witness to the years my family spent living, learning, and growing in this home.

As I worked, I thought of the day I first gave my life to Jesus. He forgave me of my sins, wiped my slate clean, and made me new. (2 Corinthians 5:17

Just as vividly, I remember the first time I sinned as a Christian, sullying my newly cleaned slate. Thankfully, a friend shared this Scripture with me, and it has become an anchor for my soul:

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9 NIV)

The Apostle John reminds us of the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus. No matter how hard I try, I will fail. I will sin. But if I faithfully confess my sins, He faithfully forgives and continues to purify me of them. 

My Christian walk can resemble the magic slate toy I had as a child (I know I’m dating myself.  If you never had one, you can see what they looked like here.) I remember blissfully writing on my slate. Whenever I wanted to start over, I simply lifted the paper and voilà- a clean slate. Almost. Over time, the slate, like my kitchen floor, began to show signs of use. Gradually it lost its shine and flecks of writing would remain after lifting the sheet.

Jesus never fails to wipe my slate clean. But just like the magic slate toy, flecks of the past remain etched on my life. Like the scuffs on my kitchen floor, these small scars are reminders of lessons learned while living for Christ.

My slate is clean, but it has been seasoned by life. 

I love my seasoned slate because each life lesson continues to draw me closer to Jesus. Wherever the road leads us next, I pray we can remember the value of a seasoned, clean slate as we follow the One who makes it all possible. 

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  1. Shirley,
    Thanks for the reminder about how we are not perfect and how we can always ask for forgiveness. We know as we continue reading and waiting on the Lord to show and guide us on our way, we will grow. I really appreciate how you use even cleaning as a way to grow in Christ.

    1. Thank you, Teresa! I love it when I see spiritual truths come to life in my everyday happenings. ????

  2. I agree with Teresa…how you can find such a great lesson while cleaning, eeeek!!!!

    Thank you so much Shirley for continuing to share your life lessons and thus prompting me to open the eyes of my heart as I sojourn along with you. My eyes welled with tears as I too remembered the season I struggled and then finally surrendered my life to Jesus as Lord. Almost 34 years ago! Whew, I am so grateful He continues to wash my slate clean. Love and hugs to you dear friend!!

    1. Thank you Jody! Cleaning always reminds me of the continual cleansing Jesus gives us as we faithfully confess and walk with Him. I’m so thankful for His faithfulness! ????

  3. I remember the Magic Slate! I had one too! And, an etch-a-sketch, I loved that thing. This is a great reminder of God’s love and grace. He is faithful to forgive us for our sins and never holds it against us!

  4. This is such a great reminder, Shirley! Thank you for sharing — and I love that you linked the magic slate. I had one of those, too. ????

    1. Thank you, Sheila. The magic slate is such a great illustration of God’s gift of grace!????

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