
In life, as in football, you won’t go far unless you know where the goalposts are.-Arnold H. Glasow

Without a doubt, football reigns supreme during the autumn months. 

I admit. No one will ever call me a football fanatic. But I believe the game can teach us some important life lessons. 

For example, I recently looked at the football field with a new perspective. To win, both teams must move the ball in the correct direction. The towering goal posts at either end of the field serve as a clear guide for the players. Around the field, white lines define the area of play. To my way of thinking, they act as boundaries for the players, keeping them in a place where they never lose sight of the goal. 

Boundaries have permeated my thinking of late. Most likely because I recently struggled to protect them, as I described in my last post

Since writing that post, I made time to pause and rekindle my resolve to protect my personal boundaries.

Immediately, I received an invitation to a work meeting, the subject of which challenged my decision. To address a severe staffing shortage, we needed to determine how to share the extra workload. 

Since I have already taken on additional responsibilities, I promised God I would sit on my hands (to keep myself from volunteering). Still, I worried I would be voluntold to take on more work. So I prayed.

At the meeting, true to my promise, I kept quiet. To my surprise, others at the meeting volunteered to take on the extra work. As they did so, they acknowledged my current extra workload and cited it as their motivation.

Amazing, and yet so simple. When I set the right priorities, the Lord blesses them. I don’t even have to fight. He battles for me.

A Scripture I memorized years ago came to my mind:

Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup;

    you make my lot secure.

 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;

    surely I have a delightful inheritance. (Psalm 16:5-6 NIV)

A friend once told me we always have enough time to do the Lord’s bidding. Discerning the difference between His will and ours will always challenge us.

 Psalm 16 teaches us to devote ourselves to Him. As we do, we find clarity and security. The boundary lines He sets will keep us on the playing field and point us to our eventual goal: eternity with Him:

His boundaries provide protection for His promises.

As I travel down the road, I pray to remember the promise of His boundaries. Wherever you are in your journey, I pray the same for you.

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  1. Thank you Shirley for sharing wise insights about boundaries. Today we talked about not being too busy to have time to be with God. Sometumes it means saying no to good things.

    1. Hi Irene! How nice to hear from you! Yes, you are right. We do sometimes have to say no to good things in order to make time for the better things! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Isn’t it amazing how the moment we commit to going God’s way a challenge to our specific commitment presents? Sometimes I wonder if that is God’s way of helping us recognize the degree of our commitment. I love the way God blesses our “better” choices for His glory, and I am proud of your commitment to Him.

    1. Thank you Charla! Yes, I have often noticed the same pattern. God continually amazes me with His ability to overcome our challenges and obstacles.

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