Does God Care About The Little Things In My Life?

Making my way down the basement steps, I whispered a little arrow prayer: Please help me find his thingamajig. 

A few minutes earlier my husband had mentioned he had misplaced some type of gadget. I didn’t really know what the gadget did or even what it looked like. But from the frustration in his voice I knew the item carried a special significance for him. So I decided to look. Since we had packed away several things during our recent home renovation, I made my way to the bins in the basement. And tucked neatly inside a box, I found his ~ whatever it is.

Early in my walk with the Lord, I never would have asked God to help me with something so trivial. After all, God has the whole world to manage. He doesn’t have time to help me find a little gadget. But as I’ve grown in my faith, I’ve come to see God differently.

Something Jesus taught helps me see God cares deeply about things we might consider insignificant: 

“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” (Luke 12:6-7 NIV).

In Jesus’s time, people didn’t place a high value on sparrows. Here Jesus pointed out five sparrows could be sold for two pennies. A penny, the smallest coin in circulation, represented the equivalent of a half-hour’s minimum wage. Depending on where you live, today two pennies would be worth between $6.55 and $15.20. This means the value of each sparrow fell between $1.31 and $3.04. Yet God remembered each one of these insignificant sparrows. Because He values me even more than the sparrows, I know God will never forget me.

I also love how Jesus told us God knows the very number of hairs on our head. Although this number can vary, most of us have approximately 100,000 hairs. Last year, I experienced hair loss after recovering from COVID. Until then, I never thought about the number of hairs on my head. When I read these words from Jesus, I’m reminded God knows me better than I know myself. Because He pays attention to details I often overlook, I know He cares about all aspects of my life. 

And because He cares, He wants to help. The Apostle Peter encouraged us with these words, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7 NIV emphasis added). Just prior to this verse, Peter reminded us to humble ourselves before God (1 Peter 5:6).

I find the connection between these two thoughts interesting. So often I didn’t take what I consider trivial requests to God because I thought I could handle them. I only went to God with BIG problems.

As a graduate of the school of hard knocks, I’ve learned I often overestimate my own abilities. Even situations I think I can handle go better when I lean on God. And when I don’t take the little worries to God, I’m losing out on opportunities to draw closer to Him. Although He doesn’t always respond the way I hope (I’m still looking for a piece of clothing I lost a few months ago), I know He cares. And because He cares, I trust He will help me in the way I need most (Romans 8:28).

As I continue my life’s journey, I plan to keep bringing all my concerns, big or small, to the One who cares. Wherever your travels take you, I pray you can do the same. 


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  1. Shirley, I love this today because it encourages me to know that I am special and that God cares for every aspect of my life no matter how big or small.

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