How Counting Your Days Will Help Make Them Count

October Facebook Blog Template (1)

How Counting Your Days Will Help Make Them Count

October 13, 2022

Stretching contentedly, I glanced down at the puppy curled next to me. This is bliss. I wish I could stay here a few minutes longer. But my to-do list for the day beckoned for my attention.

For many years, lists of endless tasks to complete ruled my life. My drive to achieve often took me to unhealthy places. Thankfully I’ve learned to scale back and set realistic expectations for myself. Even so, I still sense the need to stay busy and be productive.

But now this drive comes from a healthier place: the desire to make my days count, first expressed by Moses in Psalm 90:

Teach us to number our days,
     that we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12)

A few years ago I wrote a Bible study on this psalm which was published in Spanish (you can find it here). As part of that study, I actually counted my days. And although it can be a sobering process, I found it helped me value each day. Here’s how to count your days:

Moses gave us a clue when he noted our days may come to seventy or eighty years (Psalm 90:10). According to current life expectancy numbers, eighty years is a good estimate. So given an average life expectancy of eighty years, we each have 29,200 days (80 years X 365 days). 

Next, calculate the number of days already lived, by taking your current age and multiplying it by 365. For me this number is 22,630 (62 years X 365 days). Now count the number of days since your last birthday. Mine adds up to 205 days. When I add these two numbers together (22,630 + 205), I get 22,835. To calculate my number of remaining days, I simply subtract 22,835 from 29,200. My remaining days total 6,365. 

Honestly, I’m tempted to cringe when I look at that number-it seems so small. And it’s actually decreased by 968 days since the last time I did this calculation. Yet instead of feeling discouraged, I look back at the last few years and feel grateful for what the Lord has taught me, and for how I’ve spent the time He’s given me. And I am more determined than ever to make my days count. 

The truth is, our actual number of days could be more or less-only God knows. And as sobering as this exercise can be, Moses asked God to teach us to do it. Because when we understand our days are precious and few, we learn to make the most of them. A heart of wisdom sets the right priorities. And sometimes those priorities include taking a few extra minutes for puppy snuggles.

As I continue on my life’s journey, I pray to make my days count. Wherever your journey takes you, I pray the same for you. May our lives honor the One who continually leads us to a place where our days will never end. 

How Counting Your Days Will Help Make Them Count

October 13, 2022

October Facebook Blog Template (1)

Stretching contentedly, I glanced down at the puppy curled next to me. This is bliss. I wish I could stay here a few minutes longer. But my to-do list for the day beckoned for my attention.

For many years, lists of endless tasks to complete ruled my life. My drive to achieve often took me to unhealthy places. Thankfully I’ve learned to scale back and set realistic expectations for myself. Even so, I still sense the need to stay busy and be productive.

But now this drive comes from a healthier place: the desire to make my days count, first expressed by Moses in Psalm 90:

Teach us to number our days,
     that we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12)

A few years ago I wrote a Bible study on this psalm which was published in Spanish (you can find it here). As part of that study, I actually counted my days. And although it can be a sobering process, I found it helped me value each day. Here’s how to count your days:

Moses gave us a clue when he noted our days may come to seventy or eighty years (Psalm 90:10). According to current life expectancy numbers, eighty years is a good estimate. So given an average life expectancy of eighty years, we each have 29,200 days (80 years X 365 days). 

Next, calculate the number of days already lived, by taking your current age and multiplying it by 365. For me this number is 22,630 (62 years X 365 days). Now count the number of days since your last birthday. Mine adds up to 205 days. When I add these two numbers together (22,630 + 205), I get 22,835. To calculate my number of remaining days, I simply subtract 22,835 from 29,200. My remaining days total 6,365. 

Honestly, I’m tempted to cringe when I look at that number-it seems so small. And it’s actually decreased by 968 days since the last time I did this calculation. Yet instead of feeling discouraged, I look back at the last few years and feel grateful for what the Lord has taught me, and for how I’ve spent the time He’s given me. And I am more determined than ever to make my days count. 

The truth is, our actual number of days could be more or less-only God knows. And as sobering as this exercise can be, Moses asked God to teach us to do it. Because when we understand our days are precious and few, we learn to make the most of them. A heart of wisdom sets the right priorities. And sometimes those priorities include taking a few extra minutes for puppy snuggles.

As I continue on my life’s journey, I pray to make my days count. Wherever your journey takes you, I pray the same for you. May our lives honor the One who continually leads us to a place where our days will never end. 

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  1. Vida on October 14, 2022 at 3:27 AM

    Thanks for the sobering reminder, Shirley, especially to proscrastinators who sometimes think “I can do this tomorrow”. Tomorrow may never come!
    Jesus is the perfect example of making his days count—he knew exactly how many he had here on earth. Sometimes, when my to-do list overwhelms me, I ask God to help me do the things that important. “Cuddling a puppy” means watching the birds, in my case : )

    • Shirley Desmond Jackson on October 20, 2022 at 9:40 PM

      Thank you Vida. Yes, Jesus definitely showed us how to make our days count. I’m glad you take time to watch the birds. ????

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