The Lord Says “Don’t Be Afraid” ~ But How Exactly Do We Manage That?

The Lord Says “Don’t Be Afraid” ~ But How Exactly Do We Manage That?

Is it just me, or has this Spring hatched an unusually high population of ticks? Before moving to Southwest Virginia I rarely made contact with these critters. But now I often see them up close and personal. So far, I’ve extracted two ticks from my hair, and one from my back. I’ve found two others…

When My Heart Breaks, Where Is God And What Is His Plan?

When My Heart Breaks, Where Is God And What Is His Plan?

Recently I suffered a loss. As I look around at my circle of friends, I’m not alone. Some losses happened long ago, while others are very recent. And although our losses vary in intensity, they always carry heartache and pain. Because of this, anyone who has lost something, or someone, grieves.  I used to think…

How Can I Be Frustrated With A Good God?

How Can I Be Frustrated With A Good God?

“Ugg! Why does everything have to be so hard?” With an exasperated sigh, I pounded the steering wheel.  Both of my Map Apps insisted I had reached my destination. But the clump of trees and bushes on the side of the road bore no resemblance to a dog-grooming business. Calling and texting the groomer proved…

Why We Need To Anticipate The Joy Of Heaven

Why We Need To Anticipate The Joy Of Heaven

Recently my husband and I booked a cruise to celebrate our thirtieth wedding anniversary. Can there be anything more fun than planning a vacation? In fact, some scientists claim anticipating a trip is more fun than actually taking it. We haven’t taken our cruise yet, but I can attest to the fun of planning it….

How Can Christians Manage Our Fear Over World Events

How Can Christians Manage Our Fear Over World Events

As I turned on the TV, I hoped for better news. But sadly the situation in the Ukraine continues to escalate. Throughout the day, even as I prayed for peace and reconciliation, fear gripped my already heavy heart.   In search of comfort, I turned to one of my favorite passages, Psalm 46. In light of…

How We Can Trust God When He Answers Our Prayers With “Wait”

How We Can Trust God When He Answers Our Prayers With “Wait”

Pulling into the parking space, my red-rimmed eyes immediately latched onto the bumper sticker: Proverbs 3:4-5. Although I felt certain I knew it, I opened the Scripture on my Bible App: Trust in the Lord with all your heart.      and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him,…

Unconditional Love Is Born On Christmas Day

Unconditional Love Is Born On Christmas Day

“I’m not going to be your friend!” In my years as an elementary teacher, I often heard this common refrain. Whenever someone hurt another’s feelings, or didn’t invite them to play, or said something offensive ~ the injured party responded by withdrawing friendship. Sadly, I see this same scenario play out among adults. Someone hurts…

How The Joy Of The Lord Can Be Our Strength

How The Joy Of The Lord Can Be Our Strength

The joy of the Lord is your strength. We see this phrase on cute trinkets, plaques, or Pinterest boards. But what does it mean? How can joy be our strength? The phrase comes from the book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament. The Israelites had begun to return to Jerusalem after being in exile in…

How We Can Have A New Perspective On The State Of The World

How We Can Have A New Perspective On The State Of The World

Are we nearing the end of the world? It’s a fair question ~ and one I’ve frequently heard, or seen on social media, over the last year and a half. And no wonder. Conspiracy theorists and some religious leaders have linked the COVID pandemic, political unrest, natural disasters, and economic upheaval to various Biblical prophecies…