Anchoring Our Hope In The Loving Kindness Of Jesus

Anchoring Our Hope In The Loving Kindness Of Jesus

Will we ever return to normal?  It’s a question we hear a lot lately. Personally, I’ve begun to categorize my life’s experiences as pre-COVID or post-COVID. Pre-COVID days felt less stressful, less uncertain, and definitely more hopeful.  I know COVID will always be with us. But just as we seem to figure out how to…

How Our Lives Can Reflect An Overflow Of Blessings

How Our Lives Can Reflect An Overflow Of Blessings

Smiling at the passenger in the seat next to mine, I settled in with my belongings. Goodness! Air travel has certainly changed.  Over the last several years, seat width and legroom have increasingly become smaller on airplanes. For someone who likes personal space, I keenly feel the difference. I shudder at the thought of spilling…

Does God Care About The Little Things In My Life?

Does God Care About The Little Things In My Life?

Making my way down the basement steps, I whispered a little arrow prayer: Please help me find his thingamajig.  A few minutes earlier my husband had mentioned he had misplaced some type of gadget. I didn’t really know what the gadget did or even what it looked like. But from the frustration in his voice…

Seeking Our Extraordinary God In The Midst Of Our Ordinary Moments

Seeking Our Extraordinary God In The Midst Of Our Ordinary Moments

Heaving a loud and frustrated sigh, I began another Google search for a helpful tutorial. Who knew learning to format this document would be as time-consuming as writing it? After a few hours of circling between internet videos and my document, I finally found the steps needed to correctly format my headings and page numbers….

How To Find Help When Your Heart Is Heavy

How To Find Help When Your Heart Is Heavy

With a heavy heart and a restless spirit, I found myself wondering…why? I couldn’t pinpoint the specific cause for my distress. And yet, all around me the world continued to spin out of control. My heart breaks over situations both near and far: Several close friends lost loved ones. Others dealt with non-Covid related health…

Three Powerful Reasons We Rejoice In The Midst Of Suffering

Three Powerful Reasons We Rejoice In The Midst Of Suffering

No one likes to suffer. Or at least, we don’t want to suffer unnecessarily. We’ve all heard the phrase: No pain, No gain. Although we normally associate these words with today’s exercise and fitness industries, this principle can apply to other parts of our lives.  In last week’s blog post, I shared the Apostle Paul’s…

How Can You Fight Off A Stinking-Bad Attitude?

How Can You Fight Off A Stinking-Bad Attitude?

Peering through the window, my heart dropped. Clouds hid the sun as the trees danced in the wind. Typical for a spring day, the weather had turned chilly.  A similar storm began brewing in my spirit. My husband and I had planned to attend an outdoor gathering with friends. But the thought of sitting outside…