Why We Should Give Each Other A Second Chance To Make A Good Impression

Why We Should Give Each Other A Second Chance To Make A Good Impression

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” — 1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV) I immediately noticed him when his motorcycle…

The Importance of Choosing To Believe God’s Truths Rather Than The Enemy’s Lies

The Importance of Choosing To Believe God’s Truths Rather Than The Enemy’s Lies

Blindsided, her accusation rendered me speechless. As she gave voice to her feelings, I struggled to understand how she could have misunderstood my heart. In vain I offered her the truth ~ I never thought nor felt the things she perceived in me.   As we parted ways, I thought of the old saying: You can…

Why Is It Important To Choose To Lead Lives That Glorify God?

Why Is It Important To Choose To Lead Lives That Glorify God?

Verifying the lane next to me had ample room, I signaled my intent to change lanes. But immediately the driver in the next lane aggressively flashed his lights, sending me a clear message. Wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt, I reasoned he may be pressed for time. But as he passed me,…

Learning To Look At Hardships As God’s Blessings In Disguise

Learning To Look At Hardships As God’s Blessings In Disguise

I confess. A math nerd at heart, I actually enjoy solving a complex algebraic equation. I take comfort in knowing everything on the left side of the equal sign has an equal value to everything on the right side of it. In other words, an equal sign creates balance. But equal does not always mean same. Both in life…

How We Can Overcome Frustration When We Fail To Reach A Goal

How We Can Overcome Frustration When We Fail To Reach A Goal

Holding up two pairs of pants, the customer’s eyes searched mine. “Which size should I buy? This one fits now, but the other one is the size I want to wear after I lose more weight.” As a young college student I had no idea how to answer this question. Is there even a right…

If Jesus Tells Us To Knock On Doors, Why Don’t They Open?

If Jesus Tells Us To Knock On Doors, Why Don’t They Open?

“Help me!” Even before I heard her plaintive cry, I heard the thumping on the door. The doors in our house tended to stick and my little one lacked the strength to push this one open. After a few unsuccessful attempts, she asked for help. Smiling, I opened the door and greeted her with outstretched…

How Can I Love Someone Who Constantly Gets On My Last Nerve?

How Can I Love Someone Who Constantly Gets On My Last Nerve?

Biting my lips, I smiled and miraculously managed to hold back the critical words forming on my tongue. I had a long history with this individual. And while I could say I felt a genuine concern for her, our personalities definitely clashed. As a Christian, I know Jesus calls us to love our neighbor (Mark…

When Is It A Good Time For A Christian To Be Pushy?

When Is It A Good Time For A Christian To Be Pushy?

Sighing with frustration, I continued to press the very courteous, yet unyielding, customer service representative. Even though I understood he could only uphold his company’s policies, I hoped for an exception. I had missed canceling my subscription by one day. According to company policy, automatic subscription renewals did not qualify for a refund. I now…