Salut! Welcome to the road less traveled!


Salut! (Hi!) I’m Shirley

I am so glad that you are here.  Grab your favorite hot beverage, settle into a cozy chair and stay awhile! 

July 24 2024

A Little Effort In Prayer Produces Great Results

Her words took me by surprise. My friend had just complimented my prayer life. Never in my life ...
It's easy to get caught up in our daily responsibilities. But to create a lasting legacy, we have to invest in our spiritual lives.

July 18 2024

How To Make A Legacy That Lasts

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves ...

July 10 2024

How To Be Content In All Circumstances

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, ...
Sometimes the Christian walk feels like a heavy burden. We need to rely on the Holy Spirit to make Jesus' yoke easy and His burden light.

June 26 2024

What Makes Jesus’ Yoke Easy And His Burden Light?

Right there, in the middle of the dining room of the fast food restaurant, tears began streaming down ...
When Jesus lives in us, His character shines through us. By putting on godly virtues like clothing, we can reflect Jesus to the world.

June 19 2024

How To Choose Clothing That Will Reflect Jesus

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.—Colossians ...
When we offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, this becomes worship. Praying continually is a simple way to creates worshipful hearts.

June 12 2024

One Simple Practice That Keeps Us In Worship

 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a ...
Our lives on earth are brief in comparison to eternity in Heaven. But we can still create beauty with them if we live with intentionality.

June 5 2024

Learning How To Make Our Brief Lives Beautiful

Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or ...
Jesus often chooses the most unlikely people to follow Him. These people are most aware of their need for Him and become loyal followers.

May 29 2024

Why Jesus Invites The Most Unlikely People

As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. ...
It's easy to wonder if Jesus has enough grace for all our sins. But He is both willing and able to forgive us of all our sins.

May 22 2024

When You Fear Jesus’ Grace Is Not Big Enough

Jesus was indignant. He reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be ...
In a world of multitasking, it's easy to lose sight of our priorities. We need to slow down, look around, and focus on what matters most.

May 15 2024

When You Need To Narrow Your Focus

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or ...
Focusing on our past mistakes and regrets keeps us stuck. To move forward, we need to renounce them so we can focus on following Jesus.

May 8 2024

How To Move Forward From Our Past Mistakes And Regrets

“No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the ...
We can adopt helpful habits to grow our faith. But we need to be careful so we don't replace grace with a righteousness by rules mentality.

May 2 2024

What Happens When Our Helpful Rules Replace Grace

You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? ...
When we feel listless in our walk with the Lord, the Holy Spirit gives us the power to rekindle our zeal and restore our joy.

April 24 2024

Feeling Listless? Unlock The Power of The Holy Spirit

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. ...
Trials are painful and do not naturally produce joy. We need to learn how to find joy in our painful trials of life.

April 18 2024

How To Find Joy In Our Painful Trials Of Life

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know ...
Words are powerful. If we practice the art of gracious conversations, we can choose words which have the power to bless others with healing.

April 4 2024

Words Are Powerful: The Lost Art Of Gracious Conversations

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. — Proverbs 16:24 (NIV) ...
The important role hymns played at the cross

March 28 2024

The Important Role Hymns Played In The Events Of The Cross

When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. — Mark 14:26 (NIV) ...

March 21 2024

How To Live With Compliments But Not For Them

“He must become greater; I must become less.”  — John 3:30 (NIV) There’s a postcard sitting on my ...
Our natural response to failure may be to give up. But resilience is the better response because it leads to growth and maturity.

March 13 2024

Why Resilience Is The Better Response To Failure

For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes. — ...

March 7 2024

Serving The Least Deserving Will Make Your Service Great

Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very ...
Choosing community over independence

February 28 2024

Choosing Community In A World That Champions Independence

Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. — Romans 12:15 (NIV) “Why can’t I just ...

February 21 2024

Prayer Should Be Easy – But What If It’s Not?

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went ...

February 15 2024

Why I’ve Learned To Value The Painful Trials Of Life

But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. — ...

February 1 2024

How Can Faith As Small As A Mustard Seed Yield Great Results?

“Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a ...

January 24 2024

When God Calls Us To Pivot From Our Plans To Pursue Something Better

When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, “Woman, you are set free from ...

January 11 2024

Jesus Is The True Vine — Why This Is Important

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.”— John 15:1 (NIV) Years ago a friend ...

January 4 2024

Jesus Is The Way, The Truth, And The Life — Why This Is Important

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father ...

December 6 2023

Jesus Is The Resurrection And The Life – Why This Is Important

Jesus said to her , “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me ...

November 29 2023

Jesus Is The Good Shepherd — Why This Is Important

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” — John 10:11 ...

November 22 2023

Jesus Is The Gate For The Sheep — Why This Is Important

Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. — John ...

November 15 2023

Jesus Is The Light Of The World — Why Is This Important?

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have ...

November 8 2023

Jesus Is The Bread Of Life — Why Is This Important?

Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and ...

November 1 2023

Prayer Is Powerful, So Why Is It So Hard To Do?

Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live. ...

October 25 2023

Why Is It So Hard To Accept God’s Grace For Myself?

Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. — John 1:16 ...

October 19 2023

We May Feel Out Of Step With Life, But We Can Always Be In Step With God

I will hasten and not delay      to obey your commands. — Psalm 119:60 (NIV) You are ...

October 12 2023

When We Feel Knocked Down, Jesus Can Lead Us To Victory

…he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” — Genesis 3:15b (NIV) Recently I did ...

October 4 2023

Is It Possible To Be Content In The Face Of Constant Criticism?

But godliness with contentment is great gain. — 1 Timothy 6:6 (NIV) In his play, Richard III, Shakespeare ...

September 27 2023

Are You Willing To Follow The Path Jesus Has Chosen For You?

When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?” Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive ...

September 20 2023

God Will Never Undervalue One Simple Act Of Kindness

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these ...

September 14 2023

Why We Don’t Have To Accept The Hurtful Judgments Made By Others

“Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.” — John 7:24 (NIV) At a luncheon honoring a ...

September 7 2023

Why We Should Give Each Other A Second Chance To Make A Good Impression

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected ...

June 15 2023

How Can We Feel Peaceful When There Is No Peace?

Honest to a fault. I’ve been told this many times in my life. Essentially it means I can’t ...

June 8 2023

The Importance of Choosing To Believe God’s Truths Rather Than The Enemy’s Lies

Blindsided, her accusation rendered me speechless. As she gave voice to her feelings, I struggled to understand how ...

June 1 2023

Why Does God Call Us To Leave Our Comfort Zones?

Five years ago, I got the crazy idea to write a book. Ironically, I didn’t even have a ...

May 25 2023

Why Is It Important To Choose To Lead Lives That Glorify God?

Verifying the lane next to me had ample room, I signaled my intent to change lanes. But immediately ...

May 18 2023

Learning To Look At Hardships As God’s Blessings In Disguise

I confess. A math nerd at heart, I actually enjoy solving a complex algebraic equation. I take comfort ...

May 10 2023

How Our Lives Can Be A Love Letter From Christ

How far we travel in life matters far less than those we meet along the way. – Mark ...

May 4 2023

How We Can Overcome Frustration When We Fail To Reach A Goal

Holding up two pairs of pants, the customer’s eyes searched mine. “Which size should I buy? This one ...

April 27 2023

Three Ways Dolphins Reflect The Character of Jesus

Among the sea-fishes many stories are told about the dolphin, indicative of his gentle and kindly nature…. It ...

April 13 2023

How We Can See God Use The Ordinary for His Extraordinary Purposes

Technology had not been my friend that day. I failed to produce a usable graphic for a writing ...

March 23 2023

If Jesus Tells Us To Knock On Doors, Why Don’t They Open?

“Help me!” Even before I heard her plaintive cry, I heard the thumping on the door. The doors ...

March 16 2023

God Always Has A Plan B, But What If It Is Really Plan A?

Opening my planning notebook, I stared, fixated at the date of the last entry. It had been exactly ...

February 23 2023

How Can I Love Someone Who Constantly Gets On My Last Nerve?

Biting my lips, I smiled and miraculously managed to hold back the critical words forming on my tongue. ...

February 16 2023

When Is It A Good Time For A Christian To Be Pushy?

Sighing with frustration, I continued to press the very courteous, yet unyielding, customer service representative. Even though I ...

February 9 2023

How Does My Reluctance To Take Risks Impact The Rewards God Has For Me?

“Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” (John 2:4 NIV) These ...

February 2 2023

How Seeing Our Worth Through Jesus’ Eyes Can Boost Our Self-Confidence

It’s one of my earliest childhood memories. Our teacher asked us to write our numbers and then draw ...

January 26 2023

Prayer Is Powerful ~ So Why Do We Hesitate to Pray?

Pulling out my favorite necklace, I noticed the knot in the chain. Sigh. Why does this always happen ...

January 19 2023

How To Focus Our Thoughts On What Is Still Beautiful In Our World

I splurged last Christmas and bought a beautiful wall clock. Every hour, on the hour, the clock face ...

January 12 2023

How Can We Be Sure We Are Serving The Lord From Pure Motives?

Recently a friend shared some exciting news ~she received an invitation to join a well-respected teaching ministry. But ...

January 5 2023

How To Make Today Count For A Better Tomorrow

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. I’m sure we’ve all heard that phrase ...

December 22 2022

What The World Needs Now Is The Sweet Love Jesus Brings

What the world needs now, is love, sweet love. It's the only thing that there's just too little ...

December 15 2022

How To Find Joy At Christmas ~ No Matter Our Circumstances

Years ago a close friend gave me a plaque with this inscription: The joy of the Lord shall ...

December 8 2022

In This Troubled World, Where Do We Find The Peace Jesus Promised?

After hearing the loud pop, I glanced up at the windshield. To my dismay, I saw two less-than-dime-size ...

December 1 2022

Thinking Outside Of The Box: What Is The Hope Jesus Brings Us At Christmas?

Years ago I knew someone who created an alarm clock which imitated the sunrise. Instead of emitting a ...

November 24 2022

Why Do We Engage In The Frustrating Dance Of Gift Reciprocation?

In a panic, I rushed to purchase a sweater from the store where I worked. Even with my ...

November 17 2022

How To Keep Your Thanksgiving Holiday From Being Absorbed By Christmas

As I walked through the department store it occurred to me: I am no longer shocked at how ...

November 10 2022

When Do You Need To Remember That God Is Bigger Than Your Heart?

Still groggy, I stumbled into the kitchen and poured myself some coffee. In my determination to finish a ...

November 3 2022

Learning To Choose Wisely Because One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Slipping on my robe, I suddenly froze with a new realization. The robe, which had once been tight ...

October 27 2022

How To Wrestle In Prayer When God Makes Us Wait

Benjamin Franklin claimed only two things in life are certain: death and taxes. But he was wrong. He ...

October 20 2022

How Can I Feel Defeated If I Just Had A Victory?

It’s too much, Lord. I can’t take any more. Those bleak words unleashed a cascade of tears. Alone ...

October 13 2022

How Counting Your Days Will Help Make Them Count

Stretching contentedly, I glanced down at the puppy curled next to me. This is bliss. I wish I ...

October 6 2022

Creating Something New And Fresh From Something Old And Stale

Recently my husband and I shared a meal with friends which featured a freshly-baked French baguette. The first ...

September 29 2022

Studying God’s Word Lights Our Path To Do Good In This World

As I looked out at the pool, I noticed all three lanes designated for swimming laps had been ...

September 22 2022

If I Work This Hard, Shouldn’t I Achieve The Expected Results?

This morning I woke up with hopeful expectations. But now I feel only acute disappointment. I know the ...

September 15 2022

Choosing To Trust God When He Leads You Into Unknown Territory

Living as a vagabond is unsettling. In fact, the word unsettled appears in one of the definitions of ...

September 8 2022

Learning To Trust God’s Promise To Meet Our Needs With Abundance

I’m content. I like my apartment. So does my cat. People are nice here. Tears filled my eyes ...

August 18 2022

When You Make The Right Decision, But Still Feel Pain

It’s a lot. My husband and I have often repeated that phrase in the last two weeks. We ...

August 4 2022

How To Change Your Grumbling Spirit To One Of Gratitude

I think the Lord was trying to tell me something. It started a couple of weeks ago when ...

July 28 2022

How Being Transparent And Vulnerable Can Be Your Secret Strength

My bathroom mirror has a small flaw. In the lower right corner, I can see a crack the ...

July 21 2022

Does Your Life Come With A Promise For A Happy Ending?

Gasping, I looked down at my left hand. No wonder the ring felt so light. The diamond was ...

July 7 2022

Helping Each Other See Jesus In The Aftermath Of A Storm

The thundering boom shook the house and broke my concentration. That sounded really close. A quick look out ...

June 30 2022

As Christians, Is It Even Possible To Agree To Disagree In This Political Climate?

With a heavy heart I shut down my computer. Maybe it's time to take a break from social ...

June 23 2022

Even Though I’m Trying So Hard, Why Does God Still Seem Angry With Me?

“I don't understand. Why is God so mad at me? What did I do wrong?” Filled with compassion, ...

June 12 2022

Setbacks May Be Inevitable, But They Don’t Have To Define Us

“Bijou, no!” I wailed from across the room. Too late. My sweet puppy with the angelic face had ...

June 9 2022

The Lord Says “Don’t Be Afraid” ~ But How Exactly Do We Manage That?

Is it just me, or has this Spring hatched an unusually high population of ticks? Before moving to ...

June 2 2022

Does Making The Most Of Every Opportunity Mean Saying “Yes” To Everything?

Peering at the time on my computer screen, I sighed with frustration. How did it get to be ...

May 26 2022

Everyone Has A Story ~ Why You Should Share Yours

Her story gave me goosebumps. After working as a teacher’s assistant for several years, she became disillusioned and ...

May 19 2022

When My Heart Breaks, Where Is God And What Is His Plan?

Recently I suffered a loss. As I look around at my circle of friends, I’m not alone. Some ...

May 12 2022

How Can I Be Frustrated With A Good God?

“Ugg! Why does everything have to be so hard?” With an exasperated sigh, I pounded the steering wheel.  ...

May 5 2022

How Can We Face Our Problems Without Losing Heart?

Life is difficult. So reads the opening line of The Road Less Traveled, a book by M. Scott ...

April 28 2022

How Did Jesus Feel About Extravagant Gifts?

Today my husband gave me an extravagant gift. He did it in love, because I’ve recently received some ...

April 21 2022

When It’s Hard To Extend Ourselves Grace For Our Own Limitations

Sighing, I closed the email as I tried to identify my feelings. Disappointed? Discouraged? Defeated? Definitely deflated.  Just ...

April 14 2022

Why We Need To Anticipate The Joy Of Heaven

Recently my husband and I booked a cruise to celebrate our thirtieth wedding anniversary. Can there be anything ...

April 7 2022

How A New Testament Mystery Can Shine A Light In Today’s Dark World

For as long as I can remember, I have loved to read. Mysteries remain my top choice for ...

March 31 2022

Why Is Jesus Called The Bread Of Life?

For a brief period of time I lived above a boulangerie (bakery) in Paris. Each morning my roommates ...

March 24 2022

How We Can Avoid The Frustration Of Comparing Ourselves To Everyone Else

“I don’t understand why it has to be so hard.” Tears filled my coworker’s eyes as she poured ...

March 17 2022

Making Opportunities To Do Good In An Increasingly Dark World

Wrinkling my nose at the foul odor, I pulled my sweater from the washing machine. Two days before ...

March 10 2022

How Can They Be Joyful In The Midst Of Their Suffering?

Tears filled my eyes as I listened to the young Ukrainian child singing “Let It Go” in her ...

March 3 2022

When I Need To Remember The Lord Is Faithful, Powerful, And Sovereign

Years ago a teacher advised me to “tie a string around my finger” to help me remember something. ...

February 24 2022

How Can Christians Manage Our Fear Over World Events

As I turned on the TV, I hoped for better news. But sadly the situation in the Ukraine ...

February 17 2022

When I Find It Hard To Freely Accept Grace And Forgiveness

Crunch! What did I hit?!?  With my heart beating wildly in my chest, I opened my door and ...

February 10 2022

How God’s Powerful Word Creates And Sustains Our Life And Faith

Words are powerful.  I often repeated this mantra throughout my career as an elementary school teacher. In our ...

February 3 2022

Three Keys For Maintaining Harmony Even In The Midst of Conflict

Cringing, I listened as my nephew rehashed the time I lost my cool at my father’s funeral. Although ...

January 27 2022

How We Can Support Each Other In Our Moments Of Difficulty

The soft ding from my phone across the room interrupted my train of thought. Turning from my computer, ...

January 20 2022

How Our Little Decisions Can Create Big Changes

I’m sorry, am I invisible? Although I didn’t give voice to my thoughts, I’m sure the incredulous look ...

January 13 2022

How We Can Trust God When He Answers Our Prayers With “Wait”

Pulling into the parking space, my red-rimmed eyes immediately latched onto the bumper sticker: Proverbs 3:4-5. Although I ...

January 6 2022

Ushering In The New Year With The Wisdom Of Prudence

Haste makes waste. How many of us have heard this phrase? It describes the natural consequences we suffer ...

December 30 2021

How To Make Our Days Count While We Wait For Jesus To Come Back

“I’m glad we took that trip to the Redwoods.” As my son-in-law looked around the table, we all ...

December 23 2021

Unconditional Love Is Born On Christmas Day

“I’m not going to be your friend!” In my years as an elementary teacher, I often heard this ...

December 16 2021

How The Joy Of The Lord Can Be Our Strength

The joy of the Lord is your strength. We see this phrase on cute trinkets, plaques, or Pinterest ...

December 9 2021

How We Can Have A New Perspective On The State Of The World

Are we nearing the end of the world? It’s a fair question ~ and one I’ve frequently heard, ...

December 2 2021

Anchoring Our Hope In The Loving Kindness Of Jesus

Will we ever return to normal?  It’s a question we hear a lot lately. Personally, I’ve begun to ...

November 25 2021

How Can I Show Love To Jesus This Holiday Season?

“Well, hello there!” Turning from the counter, I located the speaker. A solitary elderly man sat finishing his ...

November 18 2021

How Our Lives Can Reflect An Overflow Of Blessings

Smiling at the passenger in the seat next to mine, I settled in with my belongings. Goodness! Air ...

November 11 2021

Does God Care About The Little Things In My Life?

Making my way down the basement steps, I whispered a little arrow prayer: Please help me find his ...

November 4 2021

How Can We Rebuild When Life’s Storms Leave Us Feeling Broken?

Early in the morning, the unrelenting pings from my phone begged for my attention. Sighing, I looked at ...

October 28 2021

How You Can Forgive An Offense, Even When You Don’t Want To

As I made my way to the self-check register, I paused to examine a bag of popcorn. Turning ...

October 21 2021

Seeking Our Extraordinary God In The Midst Of Our Ordinary Moments

Heaving a loud and frustrated sigh, I began another Google search for a helpful tutorial. Who knew learning ...

October 14 2021

How Can I Win Against Temptation When It Catches Me Unaware?

Sighing, I bit my lip and turned my face toward the window. This always happens. Just when I ...

October 7 2021

How We Can Live Faithfully In A Fallen World

Grinning in joyful expectation, I joined the crowd and began cheering for the Medieval Jousters. Full of good-natured ...

September 30 2021

How We Can Choose Our Words To Help, Not Hurt

“Oh, No!” The collective roar from the passengers around me grabbed my attention. Pulling out my earphones, I ...

September 23 2021

How To Make A Positive Difference In This World Today

According to a recent survey, eighty-six percent of people ages thirteen to thirty-eight want to be an influencer. ...

September 16 2021

How To Find Help When Your Heart Is Heavy

With a heavy heart and a restless spirit, I found myself wondering...why? I couldn’t pinpoint the specific cause ...

September 9 2021

How Doubts Can Help Us Grow In Our Faith

Lord, help me believe your promises. As I prayed these words, they cut me to the heart. Shouldn’t ...

September 2 2021

Three Powerful Reasons We Rejoice In The Midst Of Suffering

No one likes to suffer. Or at least, we don’t want to suffer unnecessarily. We’ve all heard the ...

August 26 2021

When Life Gets Hard, I Want Easy

I wish life came with its own remote control. So often in the past weeks and months, my ...

August 19 2021

Is My Truth The Same As Yours?

Mesmerized by the stirring lyrics and musical rhythms, I remember sitting entranced as I watched the movie Jesus ...

August 5 2021

Keeping On The Side Of Truth

I still remember laughing with my young students as we read The Emperor’s New Clothes. Entertaining and engaging, ...

July 29 2021

Can We Judge Others With Love?

Out of habit I glanced at the church’s placard as I drove home: You don’t need to judge. ...

July 22 2021

Where Is Your Treasure Buried?

Few of us can resist the lure of buried treasures. And if we thought they only existed in ...

July 15 2021

The Importance Of Praying Without Giving Up

When I married my husband some twenty-nine years ago, I had only known him for ten months. Yep, ...

July 1 2021

Grace Motivates Us to Do More From Love

“Hey! Number Thirty-two, over here! Over here! OVER HERE!” The young teenager sitting behind me in the stands ...

June 27 2021

Doing The Little Things With Great Love

Recently I agreed to help a friend with an assignment for his theological studies. The idea for his ...

June 17 2021

How Physical Training Can Help Us Flex Our Spiritual Muscles

Sputtering and gasping for air, I reached out to grab hold of the pool’s edge. When does muscle ...

June 10 2021

Honoring God By How We Treat Others

Making my way to the cashier after a tiring day at an overcrowded amusement park, I noticed two ...

June 3 2021

How You Can Ensure Your Success Through God-Centered Goals

Way before arriving at her place of business, I began to brace myself: It’s just one image. It ...

May 27 2021

How To Save Your Memories and Create a Legacy

As we drove away from the house which had been our home for fifteen years, my heart whispered ...

May 13 2021

How Contentment In Our Current Season Helps Us Escape the Trap of FOMO

Chuckling, I watched as my three-month old granddaughter fought her much-needed nap. Just as her eyes started to ...

May 6 2021

Why We Need To Embrace God’s Word with the Humility of a Child

Recently a friend and I reminisced about children and the funny things they say. One memory continues to ...

April 29 2021

How Can You Fight Off A Stinking-Bad Attitude?

Peering through the window, my heart dropped. Clouds hid the sun as the trees danced in the wind. ...

April 22 2021

When I Trust Too-Good-To Be-True Promises

After spending a week cleaning and sprucing our house in preparation of its sale, we put it on ...

April 15 2021

When One Suffers

“That looked like it hurt.” Unable to answer, I gripped the counter with both hands and whispered, “Oh ...

April 8 2021

Wiping My Seasoned Slate Clean

With aching muscles, I sat back to critically assess my work.  I’d spent the better part of the ...

April 1 2021

Breaking Free From The Fear Of Death

“I actually think about heaven a lot.” After twenty-eight years of marriage, I thought I knew everything about ...

March 25 2021

How To Gracefully Receive Gifts

No matter how many times I’ve seen it, I still laugh. In The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis episode ...

March 18 2021

Preparing For The Unexpected

Boxed in with hundreds of other travelers and trailer trucks, my husband and I remained stranded on an ...

March 11 2021

Seeing Difficulties As Part Of The Plan

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not ...

March 4 2021

When The “Should Haves” Accuse

With a sinking heart I watched as the amount owed multiplied before my eyes. How could this have ...

February 25 2021

When The “Would Haves” Sting

If only… I understand why some people refer to these words as the saddest in the English language. ...

February 17 2021

When The “Could Haves” Attack

Sobbing so hard she could hardly breathe, my daughter gasped out four words. The four words I heard ...

February 11 2021

When I Find Myself Living In Limbo

Moving through my daily routine felt like swimming against a current. A restless night turned into an anxious ...

February 4 2021

How To Change The World

What did you dream of becoming when you were a child?  My answer may surprise you. I dreamed ...

January 28 2021

When I Feel Powerless

“I didn’t realize they only accepted cash. I only have my debit card.” Turning around, I located the ...

January 21 2021

Redefining Success

Focused. Hard-working. Conscientious. Determined. Results-oriented.  These adjectives pepper my resumes and performance evaluations. They accurately describe my work ...

January 14 2021

When I Need To Extend Grace To Myself

“You sure love to beat yourself up.” Sighing, I realized the truth of my friend’s words. After stepping ...

January 7 2021

Enjoying Life During Uncertain Times

“I plan to keep living until the day I die.” I first heard these words of wisdom nearly ...

December 31 2020

When the Post-Christmas Blues Attack

It still catches me by surprise. All the busy energy of the Christmas season comes to a sudden ...

December 24 2020

Cherishing All The Gifts of Christmas

As I publish this post on Christmas Eve, my family will soon participate in one of our final ...

December 17 2020

Remembering Immanuel, God With Us

Mystified, I looked at the package. I didn’t recognize the person in the return address. As I opened ...

December 10 2020

An Unbeliever’s Perspective On Christmas

My good friend, Jennifer Elwood, recently published her first Bible study, Counting Up to Christmas, Twenty-four Gifts from ...

December 3 2020

Making My Lists and Checking Them Twice

Last night I finally completed the list my family repeatedly asked for: what do I want for Christmas?  ...

November 26 2020

Why Giving Thanks Matters

Years ago I heard this story in a small Bible discussion group and it remains one of my ...

November 19 2020

When You Wake Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed

Beds ought to come with warnings: Caution: Waking up on the wrong side could be hazardous to your ...

November 12 2020

Opening the Gift of Jesus the Cornerstone

Friends, today I invited my friend and fellow writer, Jennifer Elwood, to share some thoughts with us from ...

November 5 2020

Discovering The Lost Art of Biblical Meditation

I once heard a friend say Christians have lost the art of meditation. Although I didn’t disagree, meditation, ...

October 29 2020

A New Way To Think About Rest

For years I lived my life at full throttle, burning the candle at both ends. As a worker ...

October 22 2020

What’s A $1.50 Worth?

Stunned, I reread the email. Nothing bad… just not expected.  I had struggled before I made the initial ...

October 15 2020

Why We Can Trust This Lifetime Guarantee

This week someone blindsided me by breaking a promise. Immediately a swarm of emotions began to swirl in ...

October 8 2020

When Promises Seem Too Good To Be True

Some promises seem too good to be true. Consider the following example: Take delight in the Lord,   ...

October 1 2020

When Disappointment Derails Our Hopes

God has a funny way of reminding us of the truths we teach. Immediately after I published my ...

September 24 2020

Hoping Against Hope

Anchored hopes never disappoint.  Can you imagine life without hope? Hopefully not. Most of us would agree hope ...

September 17 2020

When The Darkness Of The World Feels Overwhelming

His light defeats the world's darkness. My favorite way to decorate my home revolves around lights. Twinkle lights ...

September 3 2020

When We Follow The One Who Never Changes

Recently a friend reminded me fall is around the corner. Thanks to our recent move to Virginia, I ...

August 27 2020

Taking Time to Consider His Creation

Greetings from Virginia! After 2,200 miles (approximately 44 hours of driving), we arrived in Virginia. My husband did ...

August 20 2020

When Blessings Feel Like Hardships

We can learn to be content no matter our circumstances because God gives us strength. (Philippians 4:13) For ...

August 13 2020

When Love Takes The Witness Stand

The countdown has begun. In just ten days, my husband and I will pack a truck with our ...

August 9 2020

It’s Okay, I’ve Got You

July 30 2020

Discovering True Joy

Earlier this week, opportunity came knocking. My husband and I saw a way to lighten the burdens of ...

July 23 2020

Happy People Read the Bible and Drink Coffee

Hello everyone! Today's blog post is a video: I've never done this before, so please bear with me ...

July 16 2020

Taming My Negative Thoughts

We’d been dreading it for weeks. We put it off for days. But in preparation for our retirement ...

June 25 2020

When A Heart Rejects The Gospel Message

When I became a Christian thirty-eight years ago, I couldn’t stop talking about Jesus. My life reflected the ...

June 18 2020

When You Feel Like A Skeptic

Has anyone ever called you a skeptic? When anything sounds too good to be true, I tend to ...

June 11 2020

Changing the World One Heart at a Time

I love inspirational stories. Especially those tied to the gospel. Because by changing the hearts of individuals, the ...

June 4 2020

Building Bridges Instead of Walls

Our world is hurting. The words of James have guided me as I grappled with the recent events ...

May 28 2020

When His Blessings Don’t Meet My Expectations

Not every act of obedience brings the expected reward. Although true, this statement creates some dissonance with my ...

May 14 2020

When We Face Ourselves

Real transformation requires real honesty. If you want to move forward — get real with yourself.- Bryant McGill ...

May 7 2020

Facing Our Fears

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in ...

April 30 2020

When Your Attitude Stinks

Your attitude is like the aroma of your heart. If your attitude stinks, it means your heart’s not ...

April 23 2020

When Believers Doubt

Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what ...

April 16 2020

Planning in a Season of Uncertainty

The longing for certainty ... is in every human mind. But certainty is generally illusion.- Oliver Wendell Holmes ...

April 9 2020

Celebrating Easter in the Midst of the Coronavirus

As I write these words, my country prepares to face the peak of the Coronavirus Crisis, even as ...

April 2 2020

Finding Peace in the Midst of Evil

Only when we stand in awe of God will we find it unnecessary to be in awe of ...

March 26 2020

When We Feel Shaken

The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don't give up. - Robert ...

March 19 2020

He Still Calls Us By Name

Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.-Dale ...

March 12 2020

Making Time for What Matters Most

The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. - Henry David Thoreau When ...

February 29 2020

Turning Enemies Into Friends

The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend. -Abraham Lincoln Recently, I experienced ...

February 20 2020

What Can Dolphins Teach Us About Jesus?

Among the sea-fishes many stories are told about the dolphin, indicative of his gentle and kindly nature…. It ...

February 13 2020

Responding with Righteousness to Unmet Expectations

Recently, my husband asked me to clarify my expectations for Valentine’s Day.  Expectations can be tricky. We learned ...

January 30 2020

New Day, New Mercies, New Hope

Imagine if we treated each new dawn of each new day with the same reverence and joy as ...

January 16 2020

New Wine, New Wineskins

Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want ...

January 9 2020

New Year, New Beginnings

The best time for new beginnings is now. - Unknown The beginning of a new year always creates ...

January 2 2020

Every Road Leads Somewhere

If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. -Lewis Carroll This quote, ...

December 26 2019

Jesus: Eloquent Translator of Truth

Eloquence is the power to translate a truth into language perfectly intelligible to the person to whom you ...

December 19 2019

Jesus: Empathetic Friend

I do not ask the wounded person how he feels, I myself become the wounded person.- Walt Whitman ...

December 12 2019

Jesus: Discerning Arbitrator

Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and ...

December 5 2019

Jesus: Loving Savior

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”- Lao Tzu   ...

November 30 2019

Jesus: Celebrator of Life

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah ...

November 24 2019

Jesus: Rabbi (Teacher)

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.- Henry B. Adams Before truly studying ...

November 14 2019

Jesus: Sovereign Creator

I love Christmas. I love it because somewhere someone will ask the Christmas questions: What’s the big deal ...

November 7 2019

Second Chances

Every moment of your life is a second chance.- Rick Price Years ago I heard a story about ...

October 25 2019


Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments.- Rose Kennedy Everywhere I look, I see autumn in ...

October 17 2019

Refined by Fire

Real gold fears no fire. -Randy Alcorn In my area of the country, fall appeared almost overnight. As ...

October 3 2019


In life, as in football, you won't go far unless you know where the goalposts are.-Arnold H. Glasow ...

September 26 2019

Pressing Pause (Again)

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -George Santayana My heart plummeted as I ...

September 19 2019

Sincerity or Hypocrisy?

Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon ...

September 5 2019

The Power of Yet

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. -Confucius   Standing ...

August 31 2019


 Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway.- Mother Teresa Recent events led me to ...

August 24 2019

Productive Struggle

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.-Pierre de Coubertin. I wanted to be ...

August 9 2019


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. -Aristotle “I’m actually ...

August 1 2019


Slow down, you move too fast- Paul Simon Not quite two minutes long, this song, Feelin' Groovy, resides ...

July 11 2019


I’m a big personality. I walk into a room, big and tall and loud. – Adele Sometimes I ...

June 27 2019


“We are what we think about all day long.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson While not necessarily a neat freak, ...

June 13 2019

Constant Change

“Change is the only constant in life.” Heraclitus “I just wish we would hear something, “ my husband ...

May 9 2019

Ordinary People

God uses ordinary people like you and me to star in extraordinary “God stories”-real-life narratives of purpose and ...

April 25 2019

French Connection

How far we travel in life matters far less than those we meet along the way. - Mark ...

April 25 2019

Translation of Mohamed Sebouai’s Testimony

  Mohamed speaks of growing up in a Muslim family in the region of Kabylie in Algeria. Because ...

April 11 2019


  Clutter is anything that gets between you and the life you want to be living. -Peter Walsh ...

March 21 2019


“It’s not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?” ...

February 12 2019


If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Frederick Douglass Groundhog’s Day in the desert was unusually ...

December 13 2018

A Hallmark Christmas

Just before the holiday season began, my daughter tagged me in a FB meme. In essence, the meme ...

November 14 2018

Positively Joyful

“We just need to get you Tiggerized.” -Tigger (speaking to Eeyore) From childhood, I identify with the character ...

September 27 2018

Laugh or Cry?

Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. -Victor Hugo “I didn’t know whether to laugh ...

September 13 2018

Defining Moments

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. -Aristotle Ever have a ...

August 30 2018


“In the blink of an eye, something happens by chance-when you least expect it-sets you on a course ...

August 9 2018

Balanced Equations

In 1557, Robert Recorde, a Welsh physician and mathematician, invented the equals sign, written with two parallel lines ...

July 10 2018

God-Driven Decisions

I am often asked, “How do you know if you are following God’s will?” But the truer question ...

April 26 2018

Walking with Weakness: The Devotion

That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. ...

April 26 2018

Walking with Weakness: Back Story

Today, a devotional I wrote for a contest was published on the Proverbs 31 website. Winning that contest ...

February 16 2018

Pressing On Toward The Goal

Have you ever whole-heartedly committed to a project, only to later wonder, “What was I thinking?” For me ...

January 3 2018

Contagious Connections

My last post was all about my love of Christmas. And every word in that post is true. ...

January 3 2018

I Am A Rock

Paul Simon A winter's day In a deep and dark December I am alone Gazing from my window ...

January 3 2018

No Man Is An Island

  John Donne No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the ...

December 3 2017

Candy Canes and Gingerbread Men

‘Tis the season once again. I love Christmas and I always have. Honestly there is just so much ...

December 3 2017

The Road Not Taken

The Road Not Taken Robert Frost, 1874 – 1963 Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry ...

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The inspiration for my blog title comes from the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost. In many ways, this poem captures the essence of my life’s journey.
